Recharging the future of batteries: Rechargeable Batteries EB-1414


Recharging the future of batteries

Our Administration has never committed to anything green. We care about these things but when we hear these two words "Climate Change" it seems doubtful that some of these folks never grew up on our planet earth. These visitors probably never heard of seasons and that we have 12 herbs n spices. *chuckles* We have several when we season the chicken we change the climate of the fried than we drop the chicken in the oil that we got when removing the cap off the vegetable oil. 

All jokes aside we wait for about whatever time is needed the secret to knowing when that is or when the climate is just right is when the chicken wings begin to float in the oil. That's when you know that chicken is ready to cooled and eaten. 

By the November 2nd 2024 all AA AAA C D and others will all be rechargable. The prices will remain the same as their non rechargeable. We believe in a free open market society and common sense. Our plan is simple you buy them you recharge them and when they go bad recycle them. Recycling them will equal reward points. Tossing them equals no reward points. When a consumer purchases new batteries they can get discounts and even a few for free. We thought this out carefully leaving the brands the stores as majority to offer these rewards programs. Another rewards points program created is managed by parks and recreation so that our wonderful children, our youth , young, adults senior adults have something they can look forward too. When earning those points it goes towards park access , vacations etc to national parks, camping trips, great adventures and even theme parks. 

All this by simply using rechargeables. This is not some kind of ban on non rechargeables this is actually something we feel needs to be done it's a huge waste buying cheap batteries that will lose their charge and trying to charge them leads to injuries to children as small as 2 months. Even fatalities. They do happen more often than reported. Some even try opening non chargeable batteries cooking them on the stove causing home fires ,explosions and even bombing entire neighborhoods. 

We do not want lives lost over batteries and our solution to use rechargeables as a solution to stop losses of life liberty and property. These solutions creates jobs and drives innovation to our Nation. It keeps America Americans Energy Independent. We made sure that Companies that make these batteries win as well. Less Waste More to Gain. Equals More Profits. 

We want everyone to Win that's the American way and the only way. Everyone has to win so that these things work. If not there's really no incentive and many programs that do not exist today failed because they left someone out. 

Everyone has to "Eat" as they say or "it ain't worth my time working for the .... man"

Approved May 23.2024 By USA PRESIDENT DARREN PAUL, Administration, Members , Reviewed by Congress Members of the United States of America. Reviewed & Pledged Commitment : Chinese Federated Party of North America, 1000x 

Effective November 2, 2024







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